Friday, October 10, 2014

UF Marine Technology Society

From exploring the oceans’ unknown depths to saving the environment and fighting climate change, the field of marine technology offers some unique opportunities for engineers and non-engineers alike!

Want to learn more? Join the brand new student section of the Marine Technology Society being started at UF this year!

As part of the founding group of members for this organization, you’ll have a great chance to obtain a leadership position and you can help shape an organization that will hopefully be at UF for years to come!

Additionally, MTS Student members receive all the same benefits of professional membership, including:
·         Scholarships exclusively for MTS Student members
·         The peer-reviewed MTS Journal, which publishes student-authored papers
·         Extreme discounts on registration to MTS-sponsored conferences and workshops
·         Opportunity to attend the annual Student Leadership Meeting at the OCEANS MTS/IEEE conference held around the U.S. and Canada
·         Free Career Services on the web, with resume posting and job listings
·         Opportunities to network with and learn from professionals in your field by joining technical interest groups

Join the Facebook group below to learn more and get news about our next club meeting! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Daniel Kleinman