Thursday, September 25, 2014

MOSAIC- Info. Session Sept. 30th

Mosaic will be giving an info session in HPNP G-111 at 8:30 pm on Tuesday, September 30th. They’ll be giving a brief overview of the company and discussing the roles they will be looking to fill at this year’s Career Showcase. Snacks and drinks will be provided. They are looking for ME majors for Co-Ops for Spring and Fall 2015. 

For more information on Mosaic: Facts about Mosaic  

Homepage: www.mosaicco.com

Monday, September 22, 2014

College of Engineering 7 week/15 hour Drop Deadline- Thurs., Oct. 16th

(If you are currently enrolled in less than 15 credits this rule does not apply you.)  

A student with an initial course load of 15 credits or more will be permitted an extra drop if the drop is completed by the end of the seventh week of class and if the total credits remaining are 12 or more.

The student will still have to pay for the course, reimburse Bright Futures(if applicable) and the drop will go on the student's transcript as a, "W", but the student will still retain their remaining Drops.

Students should consult with UF's Financial Services or Bright Futures prior to coming to MAE Student Services to drop a course.  

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at parocha@ufl.edu     

The regular Drop/Complete Withdrawal deadline for the Fall 2014 semester is Monday, Nov. 24th.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Graduate & Professional Schools Fair

The Graduate & Professional Schools Fair will be held October 22, 2014 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Reitz Union Grand and Rion Ballrooms.

Here you can explore grad school options (including medical, law, business, education and other programs), meet with admissions representatives and find out about financial assistance. This single event is a great way for every student to gain BIG insights on your graduate school plans in a small amount of time. This event is open to UF student and alumni.
For more information: Career Resource Center


Monday, September 15, 2014

Career Showcase Fall 2014

Career Showcase will be held on September 30th and October 1st, 2014 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the O'Connell Center. This event is open to UF students & alumni only.

Day Two, Wednesday, Oct. 1st is the Technical Day. Calling all Gators in fields like computer science, engineering, information systems, research and other technical fields! Employers are here for you on day two. 
For more information click on this link: Career Showcase
For more information on the Career Resource Center: CRC


Thursday, September 11, 2014

FE Exam

Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Info.

The FE exam is typically the first step in the process leading to the P.E. license. It is designed for students who are close to finishing an undergraduate engineering degree. The exam lasts 8 hours and is administered in April and October.
To find out more about the FE Exam visit this link: FE Exam

You can also visit the Florida Board of Professional Engineers(FBPE): FBPE FE Exam Resources

UF FE Reviews(dates, times, location, subject) sponsored by UF Tau Beta Pi: UF Tau Beta Pi