Wednesday, September 23, 2015

College of Engineering 7 week/15 hour Drop Deadline- Mon., Oct. 12th

(If you are currently enrolled in less than 15 credits, this rule does not apply you.)  

A student with an initial course load of 15 credits or more will be permitted an extra drop if the drop is completed by the end of the seventh week of class and if the total credits remaining are 12 or more.

The student will still have to pay for the course, reimburse Bright Futures(if applicable) and the drop will go on the student's transcript as a, "W", but the student will still retain their remaining Drops.

Students should consult with UF's Financial Services or Bright Futures prior to coming to MAE Student Services to drop a course.  

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at parocha@ufl.edu     

The regular Drop/Complete Withdrawal deadline for the Fall 2015 semester is Mon., Nov. 23rd.

NASA- Paid Internships Kennedy Space Center

Application Open Date: Monday Oct. 5th, 2015
Application Close Date: Friday, Oct. 9th 2015 11:59pm EST
Anticipated Position Start Date: Monday, January 25th, 2015
Available Positions: Between 40-50
Application Website: https://www.usajobs.gov/
KSC Pathways Program Website: http://pathways.ksc.nasa.gov/

**After you apply online through usajobs.gov please do not forget to Submit Your Transcript(s) and veterans documents(if applicable) via email to KSC-Pathways@mail.nasa.gov prior to the closing of the announcement following the instructions provided in each announcement**

Friday, September 18, 2015

Small Satellite Design Club (SSDC) - Mtg. Tues., Sept. 22nd

Come hear about our design teams, competitions and social events!


Interested in getting a shirt or hearing about our new design team? Come to this meeting!!!

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 22nd

Location: Turlington L005

Time: 6:15pm

Visit us on Facebook or our website:

Website: SSDC  

UF Student Tech Fair, Oct. 2nd, 10am-1pm

IT services at UF can help you impact the world too. Join UF Information Technology and the George A. Smathers Libraries at the 2015 Student Tech Fair, Friday, Oct. 2, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., to check out the many IT services and learning opportunities available to students.

UF’s many tech organizations are working to fit your needs, from providing the learning spaces and tools to help you on campus, to preparing you for post-graduation success. Whether it’s two hours or a thousand hours you aspire to, UF tech organizations can help you get there.

To visit the their website follow the link: UF Information Technology 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


GRE Preparation

Workshops which review the mathematics and verbal skills needed for the GRE are conducted at least once each Fall, Spring, and Summer term. The four 2-hour workshops cover the major topics tested by the exams. All sessions are free; however, you must register so that we may prepare the appropriate number of review materials. Students interested in additional tutoring may bring their questions and personal GRE review materials with them to our walk-in hours available in our Math Study Center.

GRE Test Reviews

Please register by clicking on the link below and call (352) 392-2010 with questions about the GRE test reviews. Review sheets will be provided at the review only.

For more information & schedule click on this link:Test Prep Registration   

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

MAE Fall 2015 Graduating Seniors- App. Deadline Fri., Sept. 18th

If you are planning to graduate at the end of the Fall 2015 semester, the deadline to submit your application for graduation is Friday, Sept.. 18th at 5:00pm. The link below will take you to ISIS where you will fill out the, "Certificate/Degree Application", on the left hand side.

Degree Application 

If Fall 2015 graduating seniors have any further questions regarding their degree audit or verification of completion you can contact your MAE advisor for graduating seniors, Paul A. Rocha at parocha@ufl.edu or stop by the MAE Office of Advising in MAE-A Rm. 219(9:00am-11:30am & 1:00pm-4:00pm).
If you have questions regarding Commencement, or the Fall 2015 graduation ceremony, you can go to the link below which will answer all of your questions regarding caps, gowns, announcements, schedule, seating arrangements, and any other questions you might have.

Graduation Ceremony Info. 

Friday, September 11, 2015


Resume Review and Career Showcase Prep

We Help the World Grow the Food it Needs.
Here how you could join our team:

-Sept. 24th from 6:00pm-8:00pm
-Reitz Union Career Resource Center Library
-RSVP by 9/18 to selena.jaudon@mosaicco.com
-Food & Drinks Provided

Mosaic Homepage  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

UF Theta Tau Rush

Looking for a way to get involved in the College of Engineering, socialize, and network with other engineering majors? Rush Theta Tau!

Theta Tau is a Professional Co-Ed Engineering Fraternity that is selective and exclusive to the Engineering majors at UF. Many of our brothers have obtained internships, co-ops, and jobs with companies such as GE, P&G, Kraft, Disney, Microsoft, Amazon, and many more. Many of those brothers received those positions by networking with brothers within the fraternity.

The purpose of Theta Tau is to develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among its members, and to unite them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship.

Find locations and more information on our website: http://www.ufthetatau.org/rush.php

Follow us on Twitter: @UFThetaTau


Tuesday 9/1: FREE APPETIZERS @TGI Fridays on Archer 7-9PM

Wednesday 9/2: FREE PIZZA AND POKEY STIX @ Gumby's Pizza 7-9PM

Thursday 9/3: FREE BILLIARDS @Main Street Bar & Billiards 7-9PM

Friday 9/4: FREE APPETIZERS @Shucks 4-6PM

Monday 9/7: FIELD DAY @Flavet Field 3-5PM

Tuesday 9/8: INFO SESSION 2 @TBA 7-9PM

Wednesday 9/9: WING NIGHT@Gators Dockside 7-9PM

Thursday 9/10: PICNIC @Murphree Area 4-6PM

Friday 9/11: INVITE ONLY @TBA

If you have any more questions or need a ride to any of the events feel free to call/text/email or post on the Facebook event:

Rashid Alrashid

Kaylee Henley

Molly Housego

Thursday, August 20, 2015

MAE Fall 2015 Graduating Seniors- Deadlines

If you are planning to graduate at the end of the Fall 2015 semester, the deadline to submit your application for graduation is Friday, Sept.. 18th at 5:00pm. The link below will take you to ISIS where you will fill out the, "Certificate/Degree Application", on the left hand side.  

Degree Application 

If Fall 2015 graduating seniors have any further questions regarding their degree audit or verification of completion you can contact your MAE advisor for graduating seniors, Paul A. Rocha at parocha@ufl.edu or stop by the MAE Office of Advising in MAE-A Rm. 219(9:00am-11:30am & 1:00pm-4:00pm).
If you have questions regarding Commencement, or the Fall 2015 graduation ceremony, you can go to the link below which will answer all of your questions regarding caps, gowns, announcements, schedule, seating arrangements, and any other questions you might have. If you still have questions you can contact the College of Engineering at 352-392-2177.   

UF Fall 2015 Graduation Information (This website will be updated as needed)


Career Showcase will be held on September 29th and 30th from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the O'Connell Center. This event is open to UF students & alumni only.

Day Two, Wednesday, Sept. 30th is the Technical Day. Calling all Gators in fields like computer science, engineering, information systems, research and other technical fields! Employers are here for you on day two. 
For more information click on this link: Fall 2015 Career Showcase
For more information on the Career Resource Center: UF Career Resource Center


The last day to adjust your schedule is Friday, August 28th at 11:59pm

For other critical dates and deadlines throughout the Fall 2015 semester you can refer to this link:

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring 2015 Complete Withdrawal/DROP Deadline-

The regular Complete Withdrawal/DROP deadline for the Spring 2015 semester is Friday, April 10th.

Students should consult with UF's Financial Services or Bright Futures prior to coming to MAE Student Services to DROP a course.

Students do not need to see an advisor in order to initiate a Complete Withdrawal. Students can initiate the Complete Withdrawal by visiting the UF Registrar's Website at this link: Complete Withdrawal

 If you have any questions feel free to contact me at parocha@ufl.edu